Lightsail container service quota seems incorrect


I currently have 5 container services configured on my Lightsail account. When I attempt to add a sixth I get an error message stating "You've reached the quota for container services". I am struggling to figure out exactly which quota I have hit as the service quota for "Container services" is listed at 100 (

How can I resolve this?

asked 5 months ago222 views
1 Answer


This is described in the documentation below, but in rare cases it may be set to a lower value than the default quota. (a number lower than the displayed quota)

New AWS accounts might start with quotas that are lower than those described here.

Also, you should not be able to request changes to the quota for "Container services" from the service quota screen, so you will need to open a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing" and consult with them.

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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