I just updated my VPN client to 3.12.0 today and have not been able to access anything with it since. I thought internet just wasn't working, but I can see the network statistics and it's just down to a few KB a sec, so nothing is loading. I see this kind of thing in the AWS vpn logs, and can post more logs if needed
2024-08-12 15:03:53.938 -07:00 [DBG] CM received: >LOG:1723500233,D,MANAGEMENT: CMD 'status'
2024-08-12 15:03:53.938 -07:00 [DBG] CM processsing: >LOG:1723500233,D,MANAGEMENT: CMD 'status'
2024-08-12 15:03:53.938 -07:00 [DBG] CM processsing:
2024-08-12 15:03:53.939 -07:00 [DBG] 🥶 APPEND line
2024-08-12 15:03:53.939 -07:00 [INF] Begin receive init again
2024-08-12 15:03:53.939 -07:00 [INF] Received bytes: 183
2024-08-12 15:03:53.940 -07:00 [DBG] Message marshalling complete
2024-08-12 15:03:53.941 -07:00 [DBG] CM received: OpenVPN STATISTICS
Updated,2024-08-12 15:03:53
TUN/TAP read bytes,17522
TUN/TAP write bytes,16595
TCP/UDP read bytes,31299
TCP/UDP write bytes,39398
Auth read bytes,18707
2024-08-12 15:03:53.941 -07:00 [DBG] CM processsing: OpenVPN STATISTICS
2024-08-12 15:03:53.941 -07:00 [DBG] 🥶 APPEND line
2024-08-12 15:03:53.941 -07:00 [DBG] CM processsing: Updated,2024-08-12 15:03:53
2024-08-12 15:03:53.941 -07:00 [DBG] 🥶 APPEND line
2024-08-12 15:11:09.013 -07:00 [DBG] CM processsing: >LOG:1723500669,D,MANAGEMENT: CMD 'status'
2024-08-12 15:11:09.014 -07:00 [DBG] CM processsing:
2024-08-12 15:11:09.014 -07:00 [DBG] 🥶 APPEND line
2024-08-12 15:11:09.014 -07:00 [INF] Begin receive init again
2024-08-12 15:11:09.014 -07:00 [INF] Received bytes: 182
2024-08-12 15:11:09.014 -07:00 [DBG] Message marshalling complete
2024-08-12 15:11:09.015 -07:00 [DBG] CM received: OpenVPN STATISTICS
Updated,2024-08-12 15:11:09
TUN/TAP read bytes,11601
TUN/TAP write bytes,9747
TCP/UDP read bytes,19601
TCP/UDP write bytes,28517
Auth read bytes,10339
2024-08-12 15
I'm also seeing this kind of thing in /tmp/AcvcHelperOutLog.txt
11:02:13 *FixDnsScript: INFO: An DNS issue was detected. Attempting to restore DNS to OpenVPN settings
11:02:13 *DnsModificationLock: INFO: DNS modification lock is acquired successfully by 4960
11:02:13 *FixDnsScript: INFO: Retrieved info saved by up script in 'State:/Network/OpenVPN': <dictionary>
FlushDNSCache : false
IgnoreOptionFlags :
IsTapInterface : false
LeaseWatcherPlistPath : /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/LeaseWatch.plist
MonitorNetwork : false
PID : 4639
RemoveLeaseWatcherPlist : false
ResetPrimaryInterface : false
ResetPrimaryInterfaceOnUnexpected : false
RestoreIpv6Services :
RestoreOnDNSReset : false
RestoreOnWINSReset : false
RouteGatewayIsDhcp : false
ScriptLogFile : /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Logs/-Svar-Sfolders-Szz-Szyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000-ST-StemporaryVpnConfig.txt.script.log
Service : 9E356041-B030-47DC-8AD2-7F2909387505
TapDeviceHasBeenSetNone : false
TunnelDevice : utun4
bAlsoUsingSetupKeys : true
11:02:13 *FixDnsScript: INFO: Original OpenVPN DNS setting 'State:/Network/OpenVPN/DNS': <dictionary> {
SearchDomains : <array> {
0 : openvpn
ServerAddresses : <array> {
0 :
1 :
__CONFIGURATION_ID__ : Default: 0
__FLAGS__ : 6
__ORDER__ : 0
11:02:13 *FixDnsScript: INFO: Restored 'Setup:/Network/Service/9E356041-B030-47DC-8AD2-7F2909387505/DNS' to 'State:/Network/OpenVPN/DNS'
11:02:13 *DnsModificationLock: INFO: Deleting DNS modification lock: /Library/Application Support/AWSVPNClient/dnsModificationLockFile
2024-08-12 11:02:14 AEAD Decrypt error: bad packet ID (may be a replay): [ #118 ] -- see the man page entry for --no-replay and --replay-window for more info or silence this warning with --mute-replay-warnings
Well it's definitely a 3.12.0 issue, just downgraded to 3.10.0 and it's working again. This is the output of
scutil --dns
:Same as it was on 3.12. Pinging worked fine in both. Only difference is back on 3.10.0 I can access the internet at a reasonable speed.
I'm also on a mac M3 in case that's relevant.