sign in issue into my root account because the email is on aws DNS


I run all my services using aws (Route 53, S3, EC2). I cannot sign in into my root account because the email is on aws DNS. Today morning all my services are non functional. Just need help with reactivating my account. I cannot login into my root account because I am not receiving any emails due to my email DNS being linked on route 53. When reached out to support via filling a contact form, they share steps to troubleshoot by select forgot password option which wont help me in my case. Is there a way to log into the console and submit my request to reactivate my account?

1 Answer


I'm so sorry you're having trouble with signing into your account. Check out this doc for guidance on this issue and what you can do to resolve it:

  • Nicola R.
answered 2 months ago

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