/dev/xdma* not seen after DDR_A included in the design.


Hello all,

I have my test design, where I include DDR_C and a single BRAM in the CL, and connect them, via AXI Interconnect to the M_AXI_PCIS port of the F1 Inst. This design can be seen in 1.png attachment. This design is functional - tested, and works as expected.
However, when I try to include DDR_A in the same design (attachment 2.png), and I scan the PCIe devices by doing ls /dev/xdma*, I don't observe any devices! Usually I'd expect to have four h2c channels, four c2h channels, events objects etc.

What am I doing wrong with this design?

P.S. Of course, all peripherals are properly given addresses, implementation finished and AGFI was properly created and loaded.

Edited by: jelicicm on Jan 3, 2021 11:49 PM

asked 3 years ago315 views
6 Answers

Hi jelicicm

After you include the DDR_A, can you please provide the pci device id after the afi is loaded and also can you provide us the syslog/dmesg log output?


answered 3 years ago

Hello AWSSunil, thanks for taking the interest in this problem.
EDIT: I don't know why the Forum added http:// before all dmesg outputs, of course I didn't mean to do that.
EDIT2: The Forum keeps chaning my original logs and adding links to them. Here is the original message on pastebin, I hope that this is OK.

Edited by: jelicicm on Jan 5, 2021 1:16 PM

Edited by: jelicicm on Jan 5, 2021 1:17 PM

answered 3 years ago

Hi jelicicm,

We see xrt in the log that you sent, wanted to know if you are using the Vitis flow?


answered 3 years ago

Hi AWSSunil,

Do you mean "am I using HLx"? In that case - yes. I wanted to go without HLx, but then it seems that my Vivado doesn't know aws::make_ipi command that I need to instantiate AWS IP.

the only appearance of XRT is because I've run xbutil scan, because I was hoping it might help me find a solution, or a cause of this problem. This is the environment that I'm using:
Ubuntu 20.04, Vivado 2019.1 64-bit, AWS-FPGA latest commit from master branch, when I run hdk_setup.py I get the info that patch AR73068 gets applied, shell_v04261818 is used, and there is a Vivado_init.tcl script that gets executed when I startup my Vivado that sources $::env(HDK_SHELL_DIR)/hlx/hlx_setup.tcl

On AWS I have CentOS (I believe its 7, not in the position to check right now), and a pretty old kernel (3.x.y.)

answered 3 years ago

Hi jelicicm,

On the FPGA Developer AMI(Centos), XRT is pre-installed and starting mpd loads a Default AFI that does not instantiate DDR's. XRT: https://github.com/Xilinx/XRT is used for Vitis/SDAccel based accelerators.

In your case since you are creating an accelerator using HLx, please remove XRT first and install the XDMA driver provided in the aws-fpga repository.

Removing XRT:

sudo yum remove xrt xrt-aws
sudo rmmod xocl

XDMA installation instructions are available here: https://github.com/aws/aws-fpga/blob/master/sdk/linux_kernel_drivers/xdma/xdma_install.md

Let us know if this doesn't work for you and we'd be happy to help.


answered 3 years ago

Hello AWSDeep, and thank you for your reply.
Yes, this did help me solve my problems, but it wasn't enough. For some reason, aws::make_ipi set DEVICE_ID parameter of F1 instance to 0xf010, so when I manually changed this to 0xf000 (found this value while browsing older, working examples) it started showing all ports in /dev/xdma*

Thank you for your help awsdeep and awssunil!

answered 3 years ago

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