Failed to start the instance i-25e3b943. Insufficient capacity.


Hi there, one of our instances (i-25e3b943) was failing some checks. I tried to stop and start it, but it got stuck in "stopping" state. I "force stopped" it. It worked. But now when I'm trying to start the instance again, it keeps throwing the following error:

"Failed to start the instance i-25e3b943. Insufficient capacity."

  • What instance type are you using? Which region? And which availability zone?

asked 2 years ago7K views
1 Answer


If you get this error when you try to launch an instance or restart a stopped instance, AWS does not currently have enough available On-Demand capacity to fulfill your request.

To resolve the issue, try the following:

  1. Wait a few minutes and then submit your request again; capacity can shift frequently.
  2. Submit a new request with a reduced number of instances. For example, if you're making a single request to launch 15 instances, try making 3 requests for 5 instances, or 15 requests for 1 instance instead.
  3. If you're launching an instance, submit a new request without specifying an Availability Zone.
  4. If you're launching an instance, submit a new request using a different instance type (which you can resize at a later stage). For more information, see Change the instance type.
  5. If you are launching instances into a cluster placement group, you can get an insufficient capacity error. For more information, see Placement group rules and limitations.

Solution: If you receive this error, do the following:

To avoid insufficient capacity errors on critical machines, consider using On-Demand Capacity Reservations. To use an On-Demand Capacity Reservation, do the following:

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 2 years ago

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