Capacity Reservation sharing error: Failed to associate


I am trying to share EC2 capacity reservation but in Resource Access Manager, it errors out and says, "Failed to associate."

I tried it in many AWS accounts I own but all yielding the same error message.

What is the limitation that is blocking me from sharing the capacity reservation?

I read this: "Capacity Reservation sharing is not available to new AWS accounts or AWS accounts that have a limited billing history." But I have few AWS accounts with long and short billing history. It works on none of them.

asked a year ago464 views
1 Answer

Could you please check the following:

1- Are you meeting the prerequisites for sharing Capacity Reservations[1]? 2- Check if the "Enable resource sharing with AWS Organizations" option is enabled[1] by logging into the master account?
[1] -

answered a year ago
  • Thank you for your answer!! I thought I would never find anyone having any idea regarding this. I did have the "Enable resource sharing with AWS Organizations" option in RAM. So I know that part is checked off. So basically, I have full access permissions for EC2 and RAM, and when I create an ODCR instance and try to share via RAM, the EC2 ODCR shows this error message "Failed to associate." And when I switch over to RAM page to look at the sharing it reads the ODCR status as "Failed." I tried doing this in many of the AWS accounts (within the same Org, outside the Org to external account, etc etc) I own but all resulting in the same error.

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