RDS Aurora parameter group max_timeout custom setting not reflecting on the DB even after a reboot


I'm trying to change an Aurora instance's max_timeout setting to 30 secs via a custom parameter group. I find the parameter and edit it and save. I see the DB instance shows modifying. When it's done if I connect to the DB instance and run the below the max_timeout value has not changed. I have even tried a reboot on the DB instance, again no luck. Why is this not working? Must I pay for support to create a case which is clearly an issue with AWS.

mysql> show variables like "%wait_timeout%";
| Variable_name                    | Value    |
| aurora_globaldb_rpo_wait_timeout | 60       |
| innodb_lock_wait_timeout         | 50       |
| lock_wait_timeout                | 31536000 |
| wait_timeout                     | 28800    |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  • Hi, @Motley.

    MySQL has multiple timeout related parameters, which parameter did you set to 30 seconds? innodb_lock_wait_timeout?

asked 2 years ago1.1K views
2 Answers

Hello, could you please verify which parameter was set for timeouts. Aurora does not have a max_timeout parameter.

answered 2 years ago

Can you please suggest which parameters you tried to modify , there are certain parameters which can be set on Cluster parameter group and some can only be set on the Instance level parameter group. Provided if the timeout parameter you configured is on cluster level you need to bounce the entire cluster.

Please provide in more details of the parameters you tried and the value you set?

answered a year ago

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