AWS service feature availability in ZAZ ( eu-south-2 ) region


We are migrating our service from DUB->ZAZ (eu-south-2) . Since there are many AWS services with a lot of features, having feature-level insights for S3, DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, Lambda, and API Gateway would be helpful, as our services majorly depend on these with regard to AWS.Example , we have S3 available in ZAZ but not all features like accelerated transfer. Please help with the missing features for these services

2 Answers


Basically, I think you can use most of the functions of the AWS services you listed.

DynamoDB has recently become available for DAX in the Spanish region, so it is now possible to create data caches, etc.

As of August 2024, the restart loop setting for Lambda cannot be used in eu-south-2.
Therefore, please be aware that even if you configure a configuration that causes an infinite loop due to a configuration error, Lambda will continue to run without stopping.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

Service and Feature Availability:

Regional Differences: AWS services and features may not be uniformly available across all regions. This includes the availability of specific services, as well as variations in features or capabilities.

Checking Availability: The AWS Regional Services List and AWS CloudFormation registry are useful resources to verify service and feature availability across regions.

Examples: Amazon S3: Differences might exist in authentication methods (e.g., Signature Version 2 vs. Signature Version 4) and endpoint formats (dash region vs. dot region).

Other Services: Services like AWS CloudShell or the EC2 serial console might not be available in every region, including new or smaller regions.

S3 Transfer Acceleration:

Feature Specifics: Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration can speed up data transfers, but it is not available in all AWS regions.

Region Verification: Before migration, you should verify whether S3 Transfer Acceleration is available in your target region (eu-south-2) using AWS documentation.

AWS Service Features:

Detailed Review Needed: For other services like DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, Lambda, and API Gateway, it's crucial to check the AWS documentation for any regional differences in features and capabilities.

Planning for Gaps: Understanding these differences will help you identify any potential limitations or gaps in the target region and plan your migration accordingly.


Thorough Review: Before migrating, conduct a detailed review of the AWS documentation to understand the feature parity and availability in eu-south-2.

Migration Planning: This ensures that any differences or unavailable features in the target region are accounted for in your migration plan, minimizing potential disruptions.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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