Hardware/software requirements for building a simple messenger using Amazon Sidewalk?



I'm planning to create a simple messenger that utilizes the Amazon Sidewalk network. This will be for remote sites lacking cellular coverage. The idea is to pair a customer's cellphone with an Amazon Sidewalk-enabled device via Bluetooth. This device will then use LoRa to send short text messages through an Amazon Sidewalk hub installed in the field and connected to the internet via Starlink or similar service. The user will use an Android/iPhone app to send and receive messages to/from an Amazon Sidewalk device. On-site users (up to 25) should be able to communicate using this messenger and have the option to reach out to the main office via the same messenger.

Initially I looked at the Meshtastic LoRa v32 solution (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40llxjrIG3w pretty much covers all my needs), but it requires way too much work to set up and lacks native internet connectivity. I figured Sidewalk could be used for my particular case and eventually be more cost-effective.

Is this possible to achieve and if so, which hardware should I try?

Thank you in advance, Alex

asked 23 days ago195 views
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