Lightsail plan choice UI is misleading


I have recently signed up for a free tier of AWS and started using Lightsail soon after.
However, I realised I have been getting charged, even though the free tier describes of 750 hours usage free of charge.

When searching through the billing I have realised that I have spun up a 32GB memory instance, one of the priciest, but I had no recollection of choosing it.
I later figured out that the plan was chosen automatically when i was looking through the "Sort by Price/ Memory/Performance" tabs.

Shouldn't there be a notification that a pricier plan was chosen?

Am I wrong in saying that the user interface is misleading, especially as a beginner, when I haven't even explicitly chosen the plan?
Sorry if this is not where i should complain, I appreciate being directed to a proper medium if that is the case.

Hope that AWS team does something about this.

asked 4 years ago401 views
2 Answers

If you query the list of free tier offerings, lightsail says "Try the $3.50 USD Lightsail plan free for one month when using Linux/Unix".

I don't consider it even remotely misleading.

profile picture
answered 4 years ago


Thanks for using Lightsail! I am sorry that you experienced this. I just went through the create instance page to see the behavior to which you refer. The sort by price is sorted ascending while sorting by other aspects sorts descending and the selection is reset to the first item each time you sort the list. I will bring your feedback to the team.

If you wish to explore further action on this, the best thing to do would be to open a customer service ticket and explain what happened to them.



profile pictureAWS
answered 4 years ago

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