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Unable to delete resources (ENI issue -- no permission to do so?)


Hi. I've seen a similar question/case regarding this, but I am at a loss of what to do.

I am trying to clean up all my resources, and I am unable to detach/delete my subnets, and ENI (other resources).

I cant detach my ENI, it claims I don't have permission even when logged in with the root user. I do not have a load balancer, nor do I have any resources that are using the ENI. It appears that this is an issue with AWS on the backend; that they have yet to recognize or find a solution. It is very frustrating to spend multiple hours to just try to delete my resources, presenting false claims.

Can someone please advise on what I must do here? I don't see why this hold exists. AWS should provide a simple option to delete all resources if desired.

asked 2 years ago516 views
2 Answers


This typically mean there is still a service that has a dependency on this ENI. Can you select that ENI in the console and check the Description in the Details to see if its used by a specific service? If the ENI was created by Lambda, you can try this:

Also please review this question as well: Regards,


profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Hi John, Thanks for responding. As you mentioned, I did check the details and discovered it was connected to an ECS cluster. All set. Thanks!

answered 2 years ago
  • Glad to hear! Please accept the answer when you have a chance to ensure this question is set as resolved. Thanks!

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