Amazon Connect - Self service chatbot



I would like to achieve the following. The customer visiting the webpage initiating the live chat. They should be able to ask the questions and the bot (Lex) should be able to answer them (Bedrock - Agent knowledge base model). But if the bot doesn't know or understand the intent to speak with the live agent, the bot should be able to transfer the chat to the agents who are logged in Amazon Connect.

How can I achieve this solution?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Follow the instructions in this section of the Lex workshop to set up a bedrock knowledge base and add the qna-intent to your bot.

Add an "Agent" intent to the bot so that it can understand if a customer explicitly asks to speak to an agent. In the Agent intent, add a closing response that says "Let me transfer you to an agent to assist you".

If the customer's utterance does not match the agent intent AND no answer to a question can be found in the knowledge base, then the fallbackIntent is triggered.

In the fallback intent, you could set a "closing response, to say "I'm sorry I don't know the answer to that question.". Then set the next step in the fallbackIntent to be gotToIntent and set the intent to go to to be the Agent intent.

Add the bot to Amazon Connect. Add the Agent intent to the getCustomerInput block. If the Agent branch is triggered on the getCustomerInput block, connect that to the set queue and transfer to queue blocks.

profile pictureAWS
answered 25 days ago
  • Thanks @Thomas! This's the solution I was looking for!

  • Might be sideline question. Instead of S3, how can I use the knowledge base from the Salesforce and achieve my original request?

  • I did build this solution and working as expected. But there's one thing. How can I make the bot to add "Is there anything else?" for every responses at the end? For both Voice and Chat channel.

  • To have the bot ask "Is there anything else?" after each answer from a knowledge base. go to the QnAIntent and enable the "Closing response". Set the closing response to be "Is there anything else?". You can also add additional variations to the prompt such as "Anything else?", and "Can I assist you with anything else". This way you don't get the exact same response after each question.


Currently you could use Kendra instead of Knowledge base for Amazon Bedrock when creating the qnaintent in Lex. Kendra has an integration with Salesforce.

Look for more integrations for Knowledge bases for Amazon Bedrock in the future.

profile pictureAWS
answered 23 days ago

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