Migrate RDS MySQL to EC2 MongoDB using DMS Service.


Hi Team,

Is possible to migrate directly from RDS MySQL to EC2 Mongo DB using DMS Service? If yes How to do that? Because there is no target endpoint for mongo DB.

3 Answers

The following documentation shows no MongoDB as a target.
Migration to Amazon DocumentDB may be possible.

Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)

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answered a year ago
  • @Riku_Kobayashi Is there any other way to do this?

  • What i am planning First export all the data from MySQL data as CSV file and store to S3 from there to import to EC2 MongoDB using mongoimport.

    Here one problem i am facing after exporting all the data to CSV file dosen't have column headers all the data are migrated without headers. How to add the column headers in that CSV file is this possible?

  • Set "AddColumnName" to true in the endpoint configuration. Setting this to true will add a header to the CSV file. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/dms/latest/userguide/CHAP_Target.S3.html#CHAP_Target.S3.Configuring


According to this: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/dms/latest/userguide/CHAP_Introduction.AWS.html

You can use AWS DMS with several other AWS services: You can use an Amazon EC2 instance or Amazon RDS DB instance as a target for a data migration

Thought above is true, I could not find though a step to step guide, but should be possible if target can be an EC2 endpoint.

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answered a year ago
answered a year ago

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