How to Sell a Serverless Data Processing Application on AWS Marketplace with Usage-Based Pricing?


I'm developing a serverless application that AWS Lambda Function and StepFunctions as a data processing pipeline, and I plan to sell it on AWS Marketplace. This solution will be deployed into the user's AWS account via CloudFormation template. My goal is to charge users based on the size of the data they process. I already have logic in my application to continuously track and collect usage data, which I can send to AWS Marketplace Metering Service.

However, I'm uncertain about the best approach to deliver this solution using CloudFormation. Specifically, I need guidance on the following:

  1. Which AWS Marketplace product type should I register for this kind of serverless application?
  2. What is the most appropriate sales format for a product that charges based on data processing volume? Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
  3. My Lambda Function source code are stored in my own ECR registry, how do I protect my source code after deploying it to User's environment?
asked 2 months ago99 views
1 Answer


I understand that you want to sell on a pay-as-you-use model (= usage-based pricing): it is clearly one of the possible models available on AWS Markeplace.

Please, see

A usage pricing model, also known as pay as you go pricing, enables you to offer
products to customers who only pay for what they use.

As a seller, you can choose one of the following usage categories:

Units (for custom categories)

You can also define up to 24 dimensions for the product. Charges are measured and reported when the 
API is called by the software

This blog post may also be helpful to you:



profile pictureAWS
answered 2 months ago

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