How to use Systems Manager - Fleet Manager across an AWS Organization


I'm guessing I just need to keep digging into this more, but it feels very complicated to get Systems Manager up and going. Between the different Quick Setup configurations and/or enabling the various OpsData sources it seems overly confusing but maybe it needs to be.

But what I'd like to do seems straightforward, at least on the surface; I'd like to use the Node Manager functions, initially Fleet Manager across my whole Organization. I see the nodes when I'm in the individual accounts; I would just like a way to see them across the Organization in the main account or the account I've delagated.

Anyway, if I'm missing something straightforward on how to do that please let me know. Otherwise I'll keep digging and trying things.

asked 2 years ago1.7K views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Fleet Manager is not a Systems Manager capability that is integrated with AWS Organizations according to this: AWS Systems Manager and AWS Organizations.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
  • I know you aren't going to believe, but I looked at all kinds of documentation and blog articles; but didn't see this. Yes, it clearly says that it's not. So I'll accept this answer but it does seem like a gap. AWS keeps saying that Organizations and many accounts is the way to do things; but using Organizations does make somethings a little bit more difficult or a lot more difficult than using fewer accounts, Thanks again.

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