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how to merge 2 payloads in real time


I have 2 iot devices and i want to process data from them in realtime, so assume there are 2 devices and each of them are sending some data, so before i put that data into ec2 for processing i want the data from these 2 devices to be merged into one, can i use api gateway or should i use something else?, and how do i go about doing it?

  • Could you explain what is the need for "merging" the data from the 2 devices? Are there only 2 devices, or can there be N devices? If merging is needed, what is the merging criteria?

2 Answers

Is the data from the devices being published to the same Topic as 1 payload or two? You may have to send the payload to TimeStream and write lambda to do the ETL and send the data to EC2.

answered a year ago
  • I don't think I understand, but if you are taking about ros topic then, it's the same topic


Hi. Are your devices using AWS IoT Core? I think Bahram was referring to MQTT topics in the context of devices connecting to AWS IoT Core.

I'm a little unclear whether you have precisely 2 devices, or whether you need to group data in pairs more generally. And also a little unclear on the timing of messages from your devices, and hence how you would pair them up. With the disclaimers out of the way, Device -> AWS IoT Core -> AWS IoT Core rules engine -> SQS -> EC2 is likely a solid candidate.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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