Suppressing DTMF tones while getting customer input


Is it possible to suppress the playback of DTMF tones while the user is entering a number at the "Store Customer Input" block? The entered input contains sensitive information. It is a security flaw that the DTMF tone is hearable.

2 Answers

You might want to checkout this solution to help with this very specific needs:

Also when you mention "hearable", since there is no agent at this point, Connect is the only thing that is hearing it which is necessary to get the DTMF tone. There is a sample secure ivr flow that comes with an instance creation, check that out as well.

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answered 2 years ago
  • I actually meant suppressing it on the caller's side, to prevent nearby eavesdroppers from hearing the DTMF tones. But apparently this is only controllable by the client settings. Still thanks for the tip!


Not currently possible. This might be something that they could approach with the Chime team, but that then means your call ingresses through Chime which is not yet supported. Talk to AWS and see if they have something up their sleeves to help you.

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answered 2 years ago

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