Disable pre Upgrade system snapshot


Is there a way to instruct RDS Instance not to take a pre Upgrade system snapshot ( when we already have taken a manual snapshot)? why does the a pre Upgrade system snapshot take longer than the manual snapshot? Appreciate some guidance here.

2 Answers

To instruct an Amazon RDS instance not to take a pre-upgrade system snapshot, unfortunately, there is no direct option in AWS to skip this step. AWS RDS automatically takes a pre-upgrade snapshot when a major or minor upgrade occurs to ensure you can restore your instance in case something goes wrong during the upgrade process.

However, you can control the process to some extent by doing the following:

Steps to Bypass the Pre-Upgrade Snapshot

Take a Manual Snapshot before initiating the upgrade. This ensures you have a recent snapshot available.

Restore from the Manual Snapshot (creating a new instance) and perform the upgrade on this new instance if you wish to avoid downtime on the original instance.

Perform the upgrade on the new instance, which effectively bypasses the pre-upgrade system snapshot on your original instance.

Alternatively, if you want to proceed with the upgrade on the original instance, the pre-upgrade snapshot cannot be disabled.

Why Pre-Upgrade System Snapshots Take Longer:

Consistency checks: AWS ensures the snapshot is in a consistent state before taking it, which might involve a longer process compared to manual snapshots.

Load on the RDS instance: During automatic system snapshots, the instance might be under load, making the snapshot process slower compared to manual snapshots done during off-peak times.

Automated process: System snapshots could have additional overhead because AWS may be conducting additional validation steps before the upgrade.

answered a month ago

Thanks for the explanation. I understand consistency checks could be the reason, 5 hours for snapshot creation though? Could it be something else. Similar pattern noticed when creating Read Replica as well.

answered a month ago

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