Twinmaker show data as it gets updated by a device


Hi. I'm started to explore AWS Twinmaker and as I see the dashboards are updated based on queries that are executed at a given frequency. e.g. one time every 10 seconds. I want to build a dashboard that displays real-time data but the dashboard should update the status of an entity whenever the data source changes instead of polling for data every x amount of seconds. Similar to when an app is subscribed to a data source. If the data source changes, the app is notified and updates the interface with the new data. instead of invoking a function every x seconds to see if the data has changed.

Question 1. Is this something that can be achieved using AWS Twinmaker, Or with a combination of Twinmaker and other AWS services ?

Question 2. If I have a Lambda function that fetch data from a time series data source. The cost of invoking that function is additional to the Twinmaker cost?


asked 2 years ago408 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi mvp, thanks for your questions:

Question 1. Is this something that can be achieved using AWS Twinmaker, Or with a combination of Twinmaker and other AWS services ?

This isn't fully supported today: TwinMaker's Unified Data Query APIs currently only support a synchronous pull model. However, if you're using the TwinMaker Grafana v1.2.0 plugin, you can enable the "Stream" feature for TwinMaker Panel queries. This can provide a close-to-real-time experience where you can use a live dashboard time range (e.g "Last 1 hour") and the plugin will continuously pull the latest data in the background (at 5 second interval) to update the panel in-place without triggering a dashboard-level refresh.

Note: TwinMaker Grafana v1.2.0 plugin + data streaming feature is currently only available using self-hosted Grafana with version 8.5+; will be in Amazon Managed Grafana soon.

Question 2. If I have a Lambda function that fetch data from a time series data source. The cost of invoking that function is additional to the Twinmaker cost?

Correct, TwinMaker charges for the unified data access API that provides a common cross-data-source query interface. TwinMaker will assume your provided workspace role to access services on your behalf for first-party connectors and invoke your Lambda function for third-party connectors. So the Lambda invocation cost would be observed as separate from the TwinMaker API cost

Async event notification / push models aren't supported yet but we will take this feedback into consideration, thanks again!

answered 2 years ago

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