Postgres read replica and cluster in RDS stuck in deleting state


Hi, The issue I'm encountering seems to be a bug. I attempted to create a read replica from my cluster, but later decided to cancel it. Upon noticing the "delete" option available, I clicked on it before the creation process completed. Now the read replica is stuck in the "deleting" state, and the cluster has been in the "modifying" state for one day. Something weird also is that writer instance and reader instance keep in available state, but the cluster in modifying. I've tried deleting it through the AWS CLI, but received a message stating that I can't modify something that isn't in an available state. Is there a way to force the deletion process or destroy the entire cluster forcefully?

1 Answer

Check the AWS RDS dashboard to see if there are any messages or notifications regarding the status of the cluster and the read replica. Sometimes, simply refreshing the console or logging out and back in can update the state if it's just a display issue. Suppose If you are configure on aws cloud watch , please look into the Amazon CloudWatch logs for any error messages or logs that might give more insight into why the deletion process is stuck.

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answered a year ago
  • No messages on the AWS RDS dashboard. I already refreshed everything and logged out and back in and nothing happened, replica keeps "deleting" and cluster "modifying". In CloudWathc->logs->log groups nothing is shown related to the cluster or replica I need. And in RDS->Databases->mycluster->logs & events got message "Recent events (0)/ No events found." And when I click on the replica, I got the following path: RDS->Databases->mycluster-instance-2->mycluster->replica1 and in logs and events, it says logs (0) but it never stops loading. Now, it has been 2 days and the cluster keeps in "modifying", instances are "available" and replica "deleting" state. I tried to be more specific to see if anyone can help me, thank you in advance.

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