Inspector: The assessment run could not be executed at this time as there are no targeted instances available for the selected assessment template.


I came into my company with Inspector Classic already set up and running. Recently, the weekly run of the Inspector report has stopped and I am unable to manually run the same report. The message, "The assessment run could not be executed at this time as there are no targeted instances available for the selected assessment template" is all I am able to get. I have tried to create a new template, but each time I am not getting the same results. I am very green when it comes to AWS and feel that I must be missing a large part to get the report running again. Please assist. Thank you in advance.

1 Answer

Hi, Has anything changed in your instance configurations ? i.e., Amazon Inspector classic needs agents to be installed to assess the security rules - see here:, and when you recreated the template, you can use the Preview Target button on the Assessment Templates page to review all EC2 instances included in the assessment target. For each EC2 instance, you can review the hostname, instance ID, IP address, and, if applicable, the status of the agent. The agent status can have the following values: HEALTHY, UNHEALTHY, and UNKNOWN. Amazon Inspector Classic displays an UNKNOWN status when it can't determine whether there is an agent running on the EC2 instance. Can you try this and find out the instance status ?

answered 2 years ago
  • If I had to assume if there were any changes, I would say yes. Looking into the templates, I see that the agents show as unknown for a status. I show 46 items that are in unknown status.

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