Oracle datapump import error - AWS RDS for Oracle SE2 with S3 integration


Hi, I am trying to import the Oracle data dump file using S3 integration. We received the Dump file via SFTP from other customer and I could successfully copy it to DATA_PUMP_DIR, but when I try to import it using DBMS_DATAPUMP operation, I am getting the below error saying ORA-31694 : XXXX table "DBNAME.SYS_IMPORT_SCHEMA_02" failed to load/unload, ORA-02369: internal number in header in file <**.dmp> is not valid. did anyone face this issue before? if yes, can you plz provide some insights? I want to rule out RDS side of issues before asking the customer to check the file on their side

1 Answer

I do not think its a RDS issue. Below are the possible reasons for this error:

  1. The transfer of the dump files from source environment to target environment has been interrupted.
  2. The dump file are truncated by disk space of file system size limitations.
  3. The export job has not been completed successfully.
answered 3 years ago

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