g6e/L40s instance availability updates?


My organization is currently using g6 family instances for Batch compute, which have L4 GPUs. We've investigated and found a 300% speedup for our use case when running our job on L40/L40S GPUs, which is huge. Availability of g6e instances with L40 GPUs has been announced "for 2024", but I'm unable to find a more precise release date or any updates. Is there any more information about when these new instances will be available? H100s are far too expensive and overpowered for our use case; the L40 strikes the perfect balance of FLOPs and VRAM. With how drastic this improvement is, we're at the point of considering a move to a provider with L40 availability. Any info is appreciated, thanks!

asked 5 months ago273 views
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answered 5 months ago

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