Switch from AWS EC2 reserved instance to Saving Plan


Dear Team - We have purchased AWS Reserved instances for our EC2 instances. Total approx coverage of RI for EC2 is around 78% last month. Now our team has decided to change the strategy and use saving plan instead.

Is there any way i can request aws to change reserved instance to saving plan of same amount ?
if above not possible, what is the best practices to switch to saving plan with maintain the same % of coverage ?

asked 2 months ago169 views
1 Answer

Hi JD,

Ordinarily, you cannot cancel reserved instances, as they are considered to be a commitment to a certain platform on AWS (which is why you receive a discount in exchange for the purchase from AWS). After you have purchased a Reserved Instance, you may be able to modify, exchange, or sell your Reserved Instance if your needs change.

Effectively this means, that unless the above 3 avenues are viable for you, that you need to wait for your reserved instance to expire, before you can purchase equivalent savings plans to cover them.

answered 2 months ago
  • Thank you for reply. For example, my 70 RI of C5 xlarge is expiring in Dec-2024. How do i know how much equivalent saving plan need to be added against only those 70 RIs?

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