Amazon Connect - Lex - Both Voice and DTMF Input handling



The following prompt should be played to the callers.

"Thanks for calling. For English, say English or press 1. For Spanish, say Spanish or press 2. For other language, say Other".

Now, using the lex, I did configure the intent and slot values as English, Spanish & Other. It's working as expected. The problem is, the Amazon Connect Contact flow "Get customer input" block doesn't have an option to recognize the DTMF input, if I select the Lex bot.

So, any suggestions on how I can implement this solution by offering both DTMF and the voice options to the callers?

Thanks, Shiva

3 Answers

When you define the utterances for your bot, you can include the DTMF text values of the digits, like David suggested here. So if you want the user in addition to stating their intent, to also enter a digit, all you have to do is add "one" or "two" as part of the utterances you train your bot with.

answered 3 months ago

In the English intent put "one" in the slot, for Spanish slot of "two". Then try your DTMF and speech.


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answered 3 months ago

Thanks dmacias & Magda,

I did achieve the results by add the numbers under slot values.

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answered 3 months ago

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