Content delivery from S3


Hi all, Im using s3 for object storage and for content delivery cloudfront, I have use jenkins to build my code and sync my build file where static objects were synced to s3 bucket. When serving data from cloudfront why im able to see all the codes not the minified bundled code? Implemented invalidation too.

asked 4 months ago250 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi, It seems like you have covered several areas in your troubleshooting process, which is a good approach.

Cache Invalidation: Ensure that your cache invalidation process is working correctly. After deploying the minified files to S3, initiate a cache invalidation in CloudFront. This ensures that CloudFront fetches the latest files from your S3 bucket.

Viewer Protocol Policy:
Check the Viewer Protocol Policy of your CloudFront distribution. It's possible that your distribution is configured to serve content over HTTP, and the browser may be fetching the unminified files due to a mixed content issue. Ensure that the Viewer Protocol Policy is set to "Redirect HTTP to HTTPS" if your site uses HTTPS.

Compression Settings:
Confirm that CloudFront is configured to compress your content properly. If CloudFront is not compressing files, it may serve the uncompressed versions. Ensure that your minified files are correctly compressed (e.g., gzip) and that CloudFront is configured to compress content with the appropriate Content-Encoding headers.

Origin Settings:
Double-check your CloudFront distribution's origin settings. Ensure that the origin domain points to the correct S3 bucket and that CloudFront is configured to forward the correct headers. If the origin settings are incorrect, CloudFront may not fetch the correct files from S3.

Edge Caching:
Verify the caching behavior settings in CloudFront. If the TTL (Time To Live) values are too high, CloudFront may be serving cached versions of the files that were uploaded before the minification process.

Logs and Debugging:
Check CloudFront access logs for requests and responses. This can help you identify which files are being requested and served. Look for any anomalies or unexpected behaviors in the logs.

Content-Type Header:
Ensure that the Content-Type headers for your minified files are set correctly. The Content-Type header helps the browser understand how to handle the content. In some cases, browsers may interpret files differently based on incorrect Content-Type headers.

Origin Headers:
If your S3 bucket has a website configuration, it may affect the way CloudFront fetches files. Make sure the website configuration in S3 is not conflicting with your CloudFront distribution.
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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • i have set, invalidation => /* (because i need to update everything when code changes for now, later it will change to specific files) Viewer Protocol Policy => "Redirect HTTP to HTTPS" Compression Settings = "Yes" Origin Settings = points to correct s3 bucket Edge caching => they are not too high content type header are set to proper for minified files. i can see the minified files served from Network tab as "main.c4fc5986.js" and "main.1c142e56.css" file but im also able to see whole code in source inside main url

    • in first load i can see the minified file but after some seconds there every files are shown

It is possible that CloudFront may be caching the old (non-minified) versions of your files. Even if you have invalidated the cache, it might take some time for the new content to propagate across all edge locations. Try clearing your browser cache or accessing the website in incognito/private mode. Additionally, examining CloudFront logs and S3 access logs can provide more insights into the requests and responses, helping you pinpoint the source of the problem.

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answered 4 months ago
  • Yes did everything cleared browser cache and accessing it through incognito too and also check the logs but no luck. Verified the origin and behavior but still the same. Even tried to host new bundled files uploading manually but still the same.

  • Could you please reach out to AWS Support for assistance but for sure they will need a logs from you to be able to analyse the problem properly


Hi, Content-Encoding Headers: Check if your minified files have the correct Content-Encoding headers set when they are uploaded to S3. CloudFront uses these headers to determine how to handle the content.

Debugging with CloudFront Logs: Enable CloudFront logging and check the logs for requests to see which files are being served. This can help you identify if the minified files are being requested and served by CloudFront.

Lambda@Edge: If you are using Lambda@Edge functions with CloudFront, ensure that the functions are not modifying the content in a way that reverts it to the unminified state.

S3 Bucket Versioning: Check if versioning is enabled on your S3 bucket. If versioning is enabled, you might be fetching an older version of the file. Ensure that you are syncing the correct version of the files to S3.

Jenkins Build Process: Verify that your Jenkins build process is indeed minifying and bundling the code correctly. Check the Jenkins build logs for any errors or warnings related to the minification and bundling process.

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answered 4 months ago
    • Checked the minified files in s3 they have correct Content-Encoding headers as application/json.
    • While debugging with cloudfront logs, root files were served itself.
    • i don't enable bucket versioning too.
    • jenkins build process also make minified files there is also no any errors during builds.

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