Glue Error: error occurred while calling o228.pyWriteDynamicFrame. The specified bucket does not exist


I get this Error when run Glue ETL job:

Error Category: RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR; An error occurred while calling o228.pyWriteDynamicFrame. The specified bucket does not exist (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 404; Error Code: NoSuchBucket; Request ID: NZ8QDBS69140YE35; S3 Extended Request ID: edcPcCDFP0u/wpMZODtwmEtqLav/gvf+ZrBLug6T1LEoxmhU5EzMIIS/cMhgvj4tLVyx8iLl46I=; Proxy: null), S3 Extended Request ID: edcPcCDFP0u/wpMZODtwmEtqLav/gvf+ZrBLug6T1LEoxmhU5EzMIIS/cMhgvj4tLVyx8iLl46I=

logs: Enter image description here

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VPC Endpoint for S3: Enter image description here

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Check the Bucket Name: Ensure that the S3 bucket name specified in your Glue script is correct. Even a small typo can cause this error.

Case Sensitivity: Remember that S3 bucket names are case-sensitive. Double-check the capitalization of the bucket name.

Go to the AWS S3 console and verify if the bucket exists.

Output Path: Double-check the output path specified in your Glue script for writing data. Ensure it is pointing to the correct bucket and folder.

Dynamic Frame Write: If you’re using pyWriteDynamicFrame, make sure the path specified in the method is correct:

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago
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