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How do you use the local shadow service from a connected device in GG v2?


How do I interact with local shadows from a connected device? I see information about configuring the Shadow component to sync various IoT Things' shadows to a core device, and I can see that from a GG v2 component running on that same core I would be able to access the shadow, but I'm hoping that there's a way to have a connected device interact with its local shadow. Thanks!

Edited by: jjvic on Sep 22, 2021 11:21 AM

asked 3 years ago576 views
1 Answer


Thank you very much for using Greengrass V2. The integration between client devices and shadow is being worked on right now. It will be available to use in a couple of months.

Until then, we advise the customers to create a new GG v2 component which will act as a bridge between the Client device and Shadow manager. This new component can convert the local MQTT message into the shadow operation using the GG v2 SDK. When deploying the new component, the customer should add some configuration in the MQTT bridge to translate the local MQTT messages to local PubSub messages (on which the new component is listening on). The customers should also add the specific configurations in MQTT bridge to translate the local PubSub messages to local MQTT messages.

eg MQTT Bridge configuration:

"mqttTopicMapping": {
"ClientDevice1Mapping": {
"topic": "$aws/things/MyThingName/shadow/update/accepted",
"source": "Pubsub",
"target": "LocalMqtt"
"ClientDevice2Mapping": {
"topic": "$aws/things/MyThingName/shadow/update/rejected",
"source": "Pubsub",
"target": "LocalMqtt"


Edited by: nikkhilataws on Sep 29, 2021 10:36 AM

answered 3 years ago

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