Encryption of LightSail Instances


I've created a Lightsail Instance. I have not created any addition 'attached disks'. I'm running an IP PBX application in this Lightsail instance. This IP PBX application includes voice mail. So voice mails are created and stored in a folder. It works very well.

My question involves encryption.

The documentation does state that "attached disks" (aka Block Storage Disks) are encrypted.

But, it does not indicate whether or not the storage in an 'Instance' is encrypted or not.

So that is my question. Is the data that is created and stored by my application in a Lightsail instance encrypted at rest? Or do I need to use an additional 'attached disk' (Block Storage Disk), in which to store data that I wanted encrypted at rest?

asked 2 years ago612 views
1 Answer

According to the Lightsail FAQ, yes it does encrypt the data at rest and in motion.

What does Lightsail manage for me?

Lightsail manages a range of maintenance activities and security for your managed database and its underlying infrastructure. Lightsail automatically backs up your database and allows point in time restore from the past 7 days using the database restore tool, to help protect against data loss or component failure. Lightsail also automatically encrypts your data at rest and in motion for increased security and stores your database password for easy and secure connections to your database. On the maintenance side, Lightsail runs maintenance on your database during your set maintenance window. This maintenance include automatic upgrades to the latest minor database version and all management of the underlying infrastructure and operating system.

Does Lightsail block storage offer encryption?

Yes, to help keep your data secure, all Lightsail attached disks and disk snapshots are encrypted at rest by default, using keys that Lightsail manages on your behalf. Lightsail also provides encryption of data as it moves between Lightsail instances and attached disks.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago
  • I do not see how this answer addresses whether or not an Instance is encrypted at rest. It definitely describes how the db and block storage are. And thank you for that!

    Would you have any further information on whether or not a Lightsail root instance is encrypted at rest?

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