Cannot delete API


I have an API that was created automatically with zappa. I am unable to deploy to the zappa endpoint, and I am unable to undeploy, and I'm unable to manually delete the API associated with the endpoint. When I attempt to delete it, the console tells me that it is deleted, but then it comes back.

Before trying to delete the API, I attempted to delete with zappa undeploy production. That failed, so I tried to delete the cloud formation stack. That failed because the API cannot be deleted. I cannot delete the API.

Suggestions?Enter image description here

asked a year ago296 views
2 Answers


Can I check CloudTrail's event history to see if any errors have occurred?

The GitHub README states the following:
Is it possible to delete it with this command?

zappa undeploy production
profile picture
answered a year ago
  • Thanks for your comment. I am unable to delete with zappa undeploy production. That's why I tried the console. I can not delete the cloud formation stack. It hangs because the API cannot be deleted. I cannot delete the API.

  • I'm not sure how to use aws cloudtrail lookup events. When I try that command, it hangs.

  • I can not delete the cloud formation stack.

    Are there any errors when trying to delete CloudFormation?
    You can search from the console instead of the command. I think the API is probably recorded when API Gateway is deleted.


Amazon provided me with a solution!

I was told to try deleting the API using the AWS CLI using the command:

aws apigateway delete-rest-api --rest-api-id ck9qrzfy5l . 

using the steps at:

I got a reasonable error message:

An error occurred (BadRequestException) when calling the DeleteRestApi operation: Deleting RestApi ck9qrzfy5l failed. Please remove all base path mappings related to the RestApi in your domains:

It would appear that the problem is that the console does not display this error message, but instead deletes the user interface record without looking at the return code from the operation. This is a bug that should be logged.

I deleted the additional base mapping, and then I could delete the REST API.

answered a year ago

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