Ec2 instance crashing frequently


We are not able to connect to our standalone EC2 instance and looks like EC2 instance crashes. we don't observe a huge CPU or memory utilization happening during that time. once we restart EC2 we are able to connect again. how do we find out the root issue for this case.

asked 6 months ago182 views
3 Answers


Please check the system log.
You can check from the management console, or you may be able to identify the cause by connecting to the OS using SSH or checking the logs under "/var/log".

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answered 6 months ago

When the instance crashes, status in AWS console is running and status check has 2/2 checks passed. Instance type is M6i.4xlarge and OS is Linux.

answered 6 months ago
  • m6i.4xlarge is a decent size instance, is it running a particularly resource-intensive workload?

    if it's an AWS resource issue them CloudWatch Agent should definitely be on your list of troubleshooting steps, even if you just want to install it temporarily until you can successfully troubleshoot this issue.


When the instance appears to have crashed, what is its status in the AWS Console - is its state Running and status check has 2/2 checks passed ?

You don't mention the instance type or the OS that you're running, but it would be useful to install and setup CloudWatch agent to collect more detailed metrics around resource utilisation at the time your instance becomes unavailable

This should be used alongside the advice from @Riku_Kobayashi to troubleshoot this from an OS and application viewpoint.

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answered 6 months ago

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