URGENT HELP I need to change my name in AWS Certification and Training


I submitted a ticket to change my name on 6/24/2023 and have not received any info regarding this ticket or a name change. I am set to take my exam this week and need it changed asap!

Candidate ID: AWS03684222

I appreciate any help in advance!

asked a year ago373 views
2 Answers


Hope you have submitted the ticket here https://support.aws.amazon.com/#/contacts/aws-training. Select "Account Assistance" as the inquiry type and "Name Change" as the additional details and include the requested information in the description.

Please allow up to two days for the change to be processed.

answered a year ago
  • I did, and I have not received an email with any additional information about the change.


AWS will need full information to change the name and if that is urgent, please reach out to Pearson support

If you need your name changed in our system, please contact AWS Training and Certification support. Note that we may require all of the following to process the name change:

A copy of legal documentation of your name change A scanned copy of a photo identification with proof of your original name Another copy of a photo identification with proof of your new name If you have any questions or concerns about the ID you are required to provide for admittance for your exam, please contact Pearson VUE Customer Service.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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