Authentication error connecting mqtt to IOT core


I am trying to connect my mqtt device to the IoT Core and I am getting authorization failures according to the monitor. I created the certificates according to the connect a single device page but it still will not connect. For reference I am using lwip (lwip's implementation of mqtt), mbedtls and RTOS. A search of the knowledge base only gave me outdated mbedtls instuctions that seem to use deprecated functionality in the mbedtls library (pkcs11) Is there any updated documentation on this?

Also the monitor only mentions that the authorization has failed, is there any way to see any other log notes on that?


asked a month ago55 views
1 Answer

I am getting authorization failures according to the monitor

What "monitor" are you talking about?

Please follow these steps to validate the cloud part, and confirm a correct certificate and key:

only gave me outdated mbedtls instuctions that seem to use deprecated functionality in the mbedtls library (pkcs11)

It's likely not outdated. PKCS11 is an API to use when storing the certificate and private key in a hardware security module.

To use mbedtls without PKCS11, here's an implementation:

See the setCredentials function for how to set the client certificate and private key.

This is one of many abstraction layer implementations:

These layers are called into from this demo, for example:

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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