MSK Cluster connection failed with SASL authentication error for internal Kafka Users



I have an MSK cluster with SASL/SCRAM enabled and created appropriate Super User for cluster with Secret to manage further users in cluster. If I create new users for example with Sarama client using this superuser as admin client, they appear in zookeeper config and kafka-configs, but connection for such users is failed with - Authentication failed during authentication due to invalid credentials with SASL mechanism SCRAM-SHA-512.

Can such internal Kafka users have access to MSK cluster with some additional configuration or every further user in MSK with SASL/SCRAM should have separate "Amazon_MSK_" prefixed secret and managed via KMS?

1 Answer

MSK supports SASL SCRAM with the users defined in AWS Secrets Manager ONLY. Please follow the documentation on how to create and associate a user with MSK. After that, use Kafka ACLs to manage permissions for that users.

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 days ago

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