Import Existing DynamoDB table schema to NoSQL workbench's Data model


Importing data models that are exported by NoSQL workbench is available but is there a way to create data model json from current existing table?

Output of json from awscli ( aws dynamodb describe-table ) seems to be little different from what we have to import to NoSQL workbench... (ex. KeyAttributes, NonKeyAttributes,...)
Would be great if it's importable from Operation builder's tab.

Edited by: adamist521 on Dec 9, 2019 1:54 AM

asked 5 years ago1.4K views
2 Answers

Thanks for the feedback.

There isn't a way right now to create a data model from an existing table. You will have to manually create the tables in NoSQL Workbench model. This is one of the features in our backlog which a lot of users have asked for it. "aws dynamodb describe-table" is the same ask as before. You want the existing tables to be importable into a NoSQL Workbench model. As you've identified we already import the existing tables in Operation Builder so we will support importing existing tables in a model soon. Stay tuned for more updates.


answered 5 years ago

Any updates on this

answered a year ago

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