Article Error In AWS Cloud Comparisons


Hi, I think I found an error in an article in the AWS cloud comparisons page that talks about Microprocessors and Microcontrollers. I couldn't find information about where to inform you guys about this so I am posting this here. Here is some information about the article and where the error is. Article Link: Article Title: What’s the Difference Between Microprocessors and Microcontrollers? Section of Error: What are the similarities between microprocessors and microcontrollers? // in the Registers part Paragraph containing error (This is at the top of the page right about the first picture):Registers are memory modules that the CPU uses for processing. The CPU temporarily stores instructions or binary data before, during, and after they're processed. Both microprocessors and microcontrollers are built with internal registers, although microcontrollers often have more registers than microcontrollers.

The paragraph says this "microcontrollers often have more registers than microcontrollers" and I think they meant to say one of the chips has more registers than the other. I don't know which, that is why I was reading this. I hope this is fixed for future readers. Also, I have to choose a tag so I just choose one.

asked 7 months ago190 views
1 Answer


thanks for reaching out. I'm not sure that I understand your concern correctly. As far as I understand it, you think the following sentence is incorrect?

, although microcontrollers often have more registers than microcontrollers.

What would be a correct wording in your opinion?

profile pictureAWS
answered 7 months ago
  • Well, in the article it was talking about microcontrollers and microprocessors and it was comparing the 2 and talking about their differences and how they are alike. I am sorry if I am reading this wrong but In that section, it was comparing the registers between microcontrollers and microprocessors and I think it meant to say that one has more registers than the other. Not how the microcontrollers have more registers than itself.

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