schema name was not found when running a query lambda function into Athena. However, when running in Athena it works


schema name was not found when running a query lambda function into Athena. However, when running the same exact query in Athena it works (see attachment)

here is my lambda function

schema not found error

prove that my schema exist

i can run the query in Athena query editor without error

asked 2 years ago420 views
1 Answer

Is your boto3.client for the right region and account? Regio nwill be picked up from your environment or you can specify it to boto3.client('athena', region_name).

answered 2 years ago
  • ya its the right region and account, tried stating the region name, still returning the same error :/

  • Out of curiosity I tried pretty much exactly what you're doing and it worked fine until I deliberately put a wrong schema name in the query, then I got your error. I'm stumped, I can't think of anything else that could be wrong.

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