LightSail instance WHM & Cpanel broken after AWS Maintenance


After a scheduled AWS maintenance last night, I can no longer access my WHM or cpanels on my LightSail Linux instance and the Magento sites on it are down and redirecting to the Welcome to CentOS default screen. The login pages for WHM and Cpanel are still accessible but the correct logins no longer work and there is no way to change the login credentials.

I cannot find anyway to access any support for the instance and am out of ideas to resolve the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The LightSail dashboard states the instance is up and running.

asked 9 months ago818 views
2 Answers

Can you access the LightSail console with ec2-user account?

answered 8 months ago

This issue has been resolved. It was caused by the server reboot after a maintenance update. Apparently the server's public IP address changes unless you manually set up a static IP address. Once I got logged in to the WHM dashboard via ssh, I had to update all the zone records to reflect the new IP address.

answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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