EC2 Networking Setup - Servers Cannot Communicate


I have Googled and looked through forums to understand what I need to setup so my servers can communicate with each other, however I am unable to get anything to work. If someone could look at these servers and tell me what I'm doing wrong that would be great.

I am trying to communicate over TCP via port 27017, I've setup the security group inbound/outbound rules allowing only the servers in the SG as the source.

Instance IDs:


asked 5 years ago196 views
2 Answers

Is it possible to get some support on this?

answered 5 years ago

Figured out what the issue was.

When configuring your servers to talk to each other over a specific port, you must also setup the firewall on each server. You should add an inbound/outbound rule to each server specifying the port you would like to communicate over. I also added the remote IP of each server respectively while creating the firewall rules.

answered 5 years ago

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