Are there more accurate instructions to setup site to site vpn for AWS VPC on Cisco Firepower devices?


Hello, I have a Cisco Firepower appliance and I am trying to setup a site to site VPN from my appliance to VPC. I downloaded the instruction file from AWS but it is very outdated as next to nothing is matching up with what I am seeing. It covers the firmware version of the appliance that is nearly five years old. Much has changed as far a supported settings for VPN and where settings are located. Are there more current instructions somewhere I can reference? My appliance is using the firmware 7.3.x and the instructions from AWS cover firmware version 6.2.2.

asked a year ago404 views
1 Answer

Hi, this video may help you:

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thanks for the reply, unfortunately the video was not able to help me. It covers the wrong software. I neglected to mention that my appliance runs Firepower Device Manager (FDM) and the video covers the older Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) which is the old interface.

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