MWAA CloudWatch metrics - Billing too high


Hi, we're using MWAA and we're charged almost 300$/month for Cloudwatch metrics, for example, our last month:

$0.30 per metric-month for the first 10,000 metrics - EU (Ireland) 907.597 Metrics $272.28

But when I go to Cloudwatch > Metrics > All Metrics I can only see a total of 11,056 metrics, so why is the metric number in billing so high? Also, we don't actually use metrics, they were automatically set up by MWAA, so can we disable them as we just need MWAA logs but we don't care about metrics?


1 Answer


Please see regarding choosing which metrics you would like to Airflow/MWAA to report.

answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks Jhon, After your reply we completely disabled metrics with these configuration options: metrics.statsd_allow_list = none metrics.statsd_on = False

    Cloudwatch metrics spent already decreased by half yesterday, and we expect to reach almost 0 today. Since this metric collection can become a large extra cost ( in our case almost 300 USD/month), it should be disabled by default or it should be explicit in the MWAA setup that this will be an extra cost and give the option to disable it.


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