MPK support on m6a EC2 instances


The project I'm currently working on uses the Memory Protection Keys (MPK) system available in x86 architectures to achieve memory isolation among different regions of shared memory. The system has been available on Intel machines since 2016, and on AMDs since April 2020. Our m6a are recent enough to have this hardware feature, however my attempts in using m6a to test my code have so far failed. I suspect the OS version that comes with the m6a-based EC2 instances (AL2 5.10 Kernel) is not recent enough to have the code that enables the MPK system in the kernel. Is there a way to get a newer version of OS (e.g., 5.15 or newer) with an AMD based m6a EC2 instance?

Thanks, Evangelos

asked a year ago323 views
1 Answer

Hi Evangelos, Sorry, I don't have the answer re. MPK & EC2 that you want to you use.
But, if your workload permits ARM architecture instead of x86 and if you can envision alternatives, I'd suggest to explore the Graviton Nitro Enclaves that are supported on EC2 to deliver secure computing enclaves.

Have a look at



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answered a year ago

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