AWS, Elasticbeanstalk, Linux 2, Access to S3; 403, Access denied


I have elasticbeanstalk instances running under the "legacy" linux. For testing purposes I deployed the application to the "new" Linux 2 operation system. But I'm getting an "403; Access denied" error on this instance when I try to access S3. The legacy instances are able to put files to S3. Roles, policies, everything is the same (seems to be the same). Is Linux 2 somehow different? Do I miss something?

asked 3 years ago592 views
1 Answer

From stackoverflow
Is IMDSv1 disabled? If you haven't ssh'd into the instance yet to run some aws cli commands to the s3 bucket that could help speed up debugging. If it's an IMDSv1 issue there's a setting to enable/disable it. IMDSv2 is adding a call to create a temp access token. Not positive if that's it but it's something –
Oct 17 at 6:29
I enabled IMDSv1 and everything works.

answered 3 years ago

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