Cannot create clone of Aurora Serverless v1. Documentation says otherwise.


I'm tasked with upgrading an Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster from from Aurora MySQL version 1 to Aurora MySQL version 2. According to the documentation at, I can perform an in-place upgrade, described in detail at

Before I perform the in-place upgrade, I'd like to create a clone of the current Serverless v1 cluster and test the in-place upgrade on that clone. According to the documentation at I can create an Aurora Serverless v1 clone from an Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster. Further down in that document, a guide is shown how to do this in the AWS Console. In the Console, under RDS > Databases, it is shown that you can select a Serverless cluster and that a "Create clone" menu item will show up under the Actions drop-down menu. When I click that "Actions" button, after selecting my v1 Serverless cluster in the Console, I don't get the "Create clone" action. Has this option been removed for Serverless v1?

1 Answer

Thank you for asking your question.

Unfortunately, currently, Aurora Serverless v1(MySQL5.6-compatible) doesn't support database cloning feature.

  • Limitations of Aurora cloning

This limitation is also applying create clone from Aurora Serverless v1 to Aurora Serverless v1 cluster.

Please use snapshot restore to create test cluster instead.

answered 2 years ago

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