Recommendations for Service mesh if Istio has the features but not App Mesh or lattice. Any concerns with the self-managed approach.


Hi Folks,

I wanted to check if anyone has run into this with respect Service Mesh. Based on requirements, we need Istio but there is no managed service offering on AWS for Istio, team is concerned about upgrade/management. Any advice to make the upgrade/management seamless to app owners. Has anyone evaluated Tetrate or a similar product for Service mesh.

Thanks Sunil S

2 Answers

Tetrate is available as a marketplace add-on for EKS providing the ability for customers to purchase support of their Istio solution from Tetrate.

Here is more information about deploying 3rd party software with EKS add-ons:

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

What are the features in Istio you need ?

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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