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Amazon RDS Oracle Multitenant


¡Hi!, I created a RDS ORACLE MULTITENANT ver. 19, but i have a question... AWS multitenant provide by default a PDB (ORCL) if you dont specify any when i try to create another one PDB I Couldn't, cause i only have access to the PDB by default created, how i can create another PDB'S or use the CDB commands. or perhaps another way to create a multi-tenant ambient whit oracle.

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asked 2 years ago1.1K views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Currently, Amazon RDS for Oracle supports a subset of multitenant architecture called the single-tenant architecture. In this case, your CDB contains only one PDB. You cannot create additional PDBs.

The single-tenant architecture uses the same RDS APIs as the non-CDB architecture. Your experience with a non-CDB is mostly identical to your experience with a PDB. You can't access the CDB itself.

For more information on this, please refer

answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

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