S3 static Website not syncing with my CloudFront


Hi All,

I've got my own static website all set up on S3, and I'm using CloudFront to link it up with my GoDaddy DNS. Everything's been running smoothly so far. However, when I upload a new version of my static website to S3, the preview on S3 looks good, but the 'Distribution domain name' that's connected to the DNS doesn't display the changes properly.

I made some updates to include a mobile view using responsive design. Strangely, while the homepage on the Distribution domain name URL remains unchanged, the other pages have updated just fine. Any ideas why this might be happening?

Thank you. Best wishes

asked 5 months ago244 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Have you cleared the CloudFront cache?
I think it's possible that old HTML or something like that is cached.

Also, there may be some cache left on the PC or browser you are accessing the website from, so you may want to try accessing the website from a different browser or PC.

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
  • Correct, I deleted the distribution then created a new one instead, everything works well. Thank you. ありがとうございました、小林さん

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