AWS Instance is running but Unable to connect


Hello Team,

I am encountering difficulties accessing the instance(Windows), which is currently indicated as running on the dashboard. Despite modifying the security group policy, I am unable to access it remotely (RDP).

Could you please assist me in resolving this issue at your earliest convenience?

Thank you for your support.

Best regards, Kiran

3 Answers


Did you allow your public IP address when allowing RDP in the inbound rules of your EC2 instance's security group?
Also, is a route destined for the Internet gateway set in the route table of the subnet where EC2 is running?
If a route to the internet gateway is not configured, you will not be able to make an RDP connection using EC2's public IP address, even if you change the security group settings.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago


If you follow Below steps your RDP connection should work properly.

1. Security Group Configuration

  • Edit the inbound rules of the security group associated with your EC2 instance.
  • Add an RDP (port 3389) rule.
  • Specify your public IP address (using a /32 mask) to limit access or allow access from anywhere but this is less secure.

2. Public IP Association

  • Ensure your EC2 instance has a public IP assigned. You can check this in the EC2 dashboard.

3. Route Table Configuration

  • Verify that the subnet where your EC2 instance is located has a route to an Internet Gateway (IGW).
  • In the VPC console, navigate to Route Tables, and ensure the subnet has a route with a destination of pointing to the Internet Gateway.

4. Internet Gateway Setup

  • Ensure an Internet Gateway (IGW) is attached to your VPC.
  • This allows public access to instances in subnets with public IPs.

answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

Hello Thanniru,

Thanks for sharing the details.

We have checked all the details are up to date, but still unable to connect RDP.

Please suggest other options where we can connect.

If you need a username and password, I will gladly share it with you.

Thanks, Kiran

answered a month ago
  • Please refrain from sharing private details like username and password, rather, please try to identify the root cause of the issue with the answers provided.

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