Aurora PostgreSQL 10 forced upgrade?



We plan to, but have not yet migrated to a supported major version of Aurora PostgreSQL since major version 10 was deprecated on January 31. In the announcement, it was stated that forced major version upgrades would only be performed during a maintenance window.

If our cluster is marked for automatic upgrade at some point, would this be visible like the usual pending maintenance actions? Would AWS notify us through some other channel? While we are actively preparing to perform this upgrade, we would appreciate knowing when/if it's going to be applied during the maintenance window on any given week.


1 Answer

Hi there,

That's correct, it will appear under Pending Maintenance, you can also view this through the CLI, see the guide below for how. The guide you referenced has similar information but is for RDS which can have slightly different information depending on the guide:

If a notification is sent it will likely be via email, I'm not certain if one will be though so I would keep an eye on this until you upgrade.

I hope that helps :)

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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