how large traffic can ddos shield defend? 500Gbps offen occurs in games industry.


Hi , how large traffic can ddos shield defend? 500Gbps offen occurs in games industry. I can not find any information about it . thanks

asked 3 years ago485 views
2 Answers

I think specific numbers are hard because of the varying types of DDoS attacks and nuance in how they are conducted. Vendors are hesitant to make very specific promises about those numbers.

The real answer is that average DDoS attacks are still far lower than 500 Gbps. (Google search "average size of DDoS attack" and comb through several recent reports and analysis). I've seen 150 Mbps to 5 Gbps reported as an average size.

A 2.3 Tbps attack was reportedly mitigated by shield.. You can find reports about this on several news sites.

I can't find any official numbers or limits in AWS Shield documentation. Again, likely because of nuance in how these attacks are conducted and customer's specific configurations.

answered 3 years ago

Hey! DDoS shields can vary in capacity, but many services offer protection well above 500 Gbps, especially for the gaming industry. I’ve dealt with similar issues while working with Baddies Hub, and it’s crucial to choose a robust provider that can handle large-scale attacks. Always check their specs or reach out to support for specifics!

answered 4 months ago

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